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“可能来自”。 “愿'。” - 作为一个网关,并从其他方面太阳黑子是连通一见太阳的星球里面只有在行星的大气有了可以看到星星所有的理论崩溃太阳时,你可以'看不到星星在外太空?灯是即时的?什么?我忘了发布这一个与其他。我不好。对不起。:)它开始缓慢,每个段有关下,当它已经结束了?您可是寻找和思考不同了很多。冰岛是绿色和格陵兰岛的冰是。

如果太阳确实有先进的外星生命,什么是一件事告诉我们acerca搞不好,如果冰岛是绿色的,和格陵兰岛是地球?那么,你得到的图片。 :)在这其中的一些有趣的镜头。太阳仍然是一个很大的谜,以我们作为新闻主播/口吃和回答问题,天气的男子在一夹,甚至没有尝试这样描绘娇气。
物理?我是这么认为的。是啊。很可能“为一个先进的种族”不关心什么,一般人用心想。说明11物理全息图是不可能的,不可能的那名虫孔,水在太空中这是不可能的。嗯,物理? GESUNDHEIT。
你看到那件事来自太阳的能量排出的大小(必须是土星的大小)。手机和视频电话将被用在大多数物理学家年前说相声(他们不得不惊呼:“你怎么能得到星际迷航?”)。我十一从雅虎一组禁止说'只有傻瓜才会认为没有水的空间(谢天谢地,我从来不提空间鱿鱼,或者我做了?)。“ :)


UFO'S May Come From Inside The Sun- Not For The Squeamish

Published on Aug 12, 2015
First track of music: Plain Truth by Gunnar Olsen.
'May Come From.' "May.'' - The sun used as a gateway to, and from, other dimensions? Sunspots are holes that allow one to see inside the sun planet? Only on planets with atmospheres can one see stars? All theories collapse when you can't see the stars in outer space? Light is instant? What? I forgot to release this one with the others. My bad. Excuse. :) It starts off slow, each segment relevant to the next, and when it's over? You may be looking up and thinking a lot differently. Iceland is green and Greenland is ice.
If the sun did have advanced extra-terrestrial life, what is the one thing they might tell us about the planet if Iceland is green, and Greenland is? Well, you get the picture. :) Some interesting footage in this one. The sun is still a big mystery to us, as the news anchor / stuttering and squeamish in answering the questions, weather man in one clip portrays such without even trying.
Let's step 'right out of the box for the concept of this video, shall we?' Perhaps these images capture the logic for no live feed from space, whatsoever, coming to earth for us, all, to watch 24/7?
Many times the discussion of UFO's comes up, and often, the topic of 'where they might come from' arises, and then it's a barrage of answers. From the middle of the earth, to the depths of the ocean, to Mars, Venus, and the likes. Rarely, however, is it mentioned that they may come from inside the sun. I'm not trying to prove that UFO's, indeed, come from inside the sun, rather, presenting the concept that they 'might.'
Please do not expect to see aliens inside of UFO's waving at you, in the video (but close). If UFO's do not come from inside the sun? What are they doing so close to it? Refueling?
What do you think? Leave a comment below, and thanks for watching.
I'm asking you to step out of the box. If there are UFO's? Where are they coming from? If we're already shielding the planet with chem trails from the heat of the sun, controlling the weather, and knocking asteroids out of their paths, would it be possible to put a flame barrier around our planet to prevent, or burn off, any unwanted entry into the atmosphere that would normally, otherwise, enter it, particularly if we were not an oxygen breathing race of being?
Physics? I think so. Yeah. It's probable 'for an advanced race' not concerned with what the average human thinks. Physics once stated holograms were impossible, that worm holes were impossible, that water in space was impossible. Hmm, Physics? Gesundheit.
For an advanced race, also technologically advanced, such could be a piece of cake. Physics once said so very much was impossible. Nowadays? It's all becoming probable. We'll be cooking hot dog Franks on Mars in twenty years. Physics did not think that possible, either, long ago. To mask one's planet, or spaceship as a star? Stupendously genius.
Did you see the size of that thing draining energy from the sun (had to be the size of Saturn). Cell phones and video phones would have been laughed at by most physicists years ago (they'd have exclaimed: "How Star Trek can you get?"). I was once banned from a group on Yahoo for saying 'only a fool thought there was no water in space (thank goodness I never mentioned the space squids, or maybe I did?).' :)
Go figure, that was when the net first started.
We've come a long way, but to the point where we can mask our own planet, or build one the likes of the sun? We've a long way to go, me thinks.

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